Sunday, February 26, 2012


The Month of Adar has finally begun, Jew’s all over the world greet each other beaming with Joy. “Mishenichnas Adar Marbim Besimcha (when we usher in the month of Adar we increase our Joy).”

None of the “soul searching” of Yom Kippur, no trace of that “may you inscribed in the book of life” heaviness. Just raising a glass of wine (or something stronger), and saying “l’chaim” (to life).

In the Month of Adar, we get a moment to surface from the turbulence of our existential angst, and the murkiness of our conflicts. Instead, we surrender to the reality of our lives and celebrate the blessings and goodness that we all to often take for granted.

Rabbi Nachman of Breslov was the “Joy Authority“ of the Chassidic world. He was at the forefront of a movement that saw “true joy” as the master key to unlocking the mysteries of the Divine.

Here is one of his classic teachings on Joy: Clapping and Dancing

Dear G-d,
Stir my heart with the spirit of joy,
Imbue my arms and my legs with that spirit,
For my arms have become heavy and my legs encumbered
Fill me my G-d, with the cleansing spirit of holy joy,
Enliven my all my limbs,
Help me raise my hands and clap,
Help me lift my feet and dance, dance, dance.

Looking forward to saying l’chaim with you personally this Purim!
Rabbi Yossi

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