Friday, February 8, 2013


Last week Parshat Yitro,we soared upwards,souls floating in the clouds above Sinai,as Torah was transferred into human awareness, getting our collective Jewish consciousness reinstalled,once again,allowing us to re boot our entire spiritual operating system. We heard the Ten Commandments beginning with ANOCHI HASHEM ELOKECHA I am G-d YOUR G-d . Despite the power of last weeks spiritual moment,it was merely the embarking,certainly not the finale of our own personal spiritual odyssey. This week we have descended down to become re grounded in the base-camp of the actual lives we lead. We are reminded that our experience must take place primarily at the foot of the mountain not at its summit. This week we read , "AND these are the laws the Mishpatim " as if to say AND now folks lets roll up our sleeves,and commence the hard spiritual work of Fastening the "high" of Sinai,onto the level stable landscape of our prosaic existence. For us that means clearing a "walkable path through the Sinai Blizzard of G-dly love. Last week G-d drew us up into his world,this week we reciprocate by hosting G-d and welcoming him into our world.The Jewish secret lies in how we walk a human walk,yet still hum a divine melody,calibrating the two truths. How so ? The Mitzvot that we start reading about this week,are ways of being,that encompass the full spectrum of human endeavor,that lead us,by performing them,to our inner truth,and point us toward the G-d that moves within. We echo the divine Anochi with our own human Anochi , It would sound like this. I,Anochi,am (insert your own name),a physical being,finite,sometimes petty,sometimes sad,sometimes hurtful to myself and others,sometimes not able to connect with anything spiritual at all. That however is only one side of me, my lower consciousness if you will. There is another identity in me. I Anochi, (again insert your name,preferably Hebrew this time) am a spiritual being,a container bearing a chunk of G-d within me ,albeit in a human form. At that level we can respond back to G-d,and say,"I too am Hashem Elokecha". When our whole being is laden with Mitzvot,then we are the continuity of the truth sounded at Sinai. Our whole being screams out this week, "it's our turn ",we call out with love and proclaim to the heavenly realms ,and all its hosts ,"We are g-d your G-d". Shabbat Shalom Rabbi Yossi

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