Sunday, March 10, 2013

Clock change /Soul change,Passover is in the air!

Ok so the clocks are changed, once we clear up that annual morning confusion,and we finally get around to the annoying task of resetting the clock on the oven, another realization sets in.Passover is just around the corner. The changing of the clocks neatly coincides,and actually flows from this past Shabbats heralding the onset of the Hebrew month of Nissan, the month in which Passover is celebrated.In the world of the sefirot of Kabbalah this months energy is often associated with the level of Netsach, the energy that is our souls power to experience victory in the on going quest to live a more soul centered existence.May we all be filled with the right balance of passion and discipline( The combination of the Sefirot of Chessed and Gevurah), to activate Netsach victory mindset.Both the changing of the clocks and the blessing of the new month associated with redemption,act as gentle reminders to follow through on our sacred task of taking back our energy from the outside world. The subtle shift in time is a good alarm that goes off in our brain reminding us of the inner shifting that needs to happen in our lives. Shavua Tov and early Chodesh Tov

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