Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Eight LIght Bytes

PLEASE TUNE IN TO THESE EIGHT “LI(GH)TE BYTES” FOR EVERY NIGHT OF CHANUKAH Candle number one THE CANDLE OF HOPE Sometimes the complexity of our life experience has the effect of smothering the spirit,purity,and tranquility that we all yearn for.As we gather around the Menorah tonight we might ask ourselves the following question. Do I truly believe that my tired soul can still radiate a hopeful light”? Will the areas of my life where I am “stuck” become the place where my light gets buried,or the spot where I give birth to a new and stronger light? Try this tonight. This is a meditation based on a Chassidic teaching on the hebrew word NER,candle.The letter Nun stands for Nefesh the seperate self that is totally identified with the body.The letter Resh stands for RUACH, the level of self that is open to spirit. Before you light the candles close your eyes for a few moments.Try to visualise your soul as the one remaining container of oil left untouched lying submerged beneath the rubble of the greek destruction.Now fast forward to our own lives,to our bodies,our own personal temples,and our neshamas,our own personal pure container of olive oil,the untaintable core of our being.How might the circumstances of our life have led us to a state of seperateness,from being cut off from our own inner Neshama truths? Now try to focus on your breathing. When you breathe out,try to concentrate on releasing the built up toxicity that is strengthened by fear,and supported by the ego. When you breathe in think about reconnecting with and rediscovering your inner soul light,lying sweetly,innocently, buried beneath all the mental chaos,intact though,ready to be lit.Now imagine drawing your highest ruach self,your Shamash into your space of nefesh/awareness.Imagine the Ruach /Shamash/divine consciousness kindling the Nefesh/human consciousness first candle,allowing the oil of our souls to fuel a new light. Sit with that briefly and then open your eyes and recite the blessings,and transfer/beam that inner lighting to your loved ones as you physically light the first candle! The story of Chanukah is the story of our own souls.Please join me over Chanukah on a spiritual journey of rediscover,and celebration as we rekindle our soul lights. With much love Yossi

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